As a designer
Taking responsibility is a question of will. As a designer, I have chosen a profession in which one has to take responsibility and work for a desirable tomorrow through design. I am committed to the topic of attitudes and competencies in design praxis and would like to support designers in becoming drivers of meaningful solutions for social change towards a livable future. In my design research, I address the issue of resources and their scarcity in design practice and generated by design.
Curriculum Vitae
born 11.03.1969, Düsseldorf, Germany
1999 – 2001 Master of Science in Product Design, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, California, USA
1992 – 1997 Diplom Industrial Designer, Bergischen Universität Wuppertal, Germany
1989 – 1991 Technology-Assistant for Media and Communication, Berufsfachschule für Gestaltung, Wuppertal, Germany
Vice President Verband Deutscher Industrie Designer e.V.
Head of Council Europe & International Affairs – Deutscher Designtag e.V.
Vice Spokesperson Section Design – Deutscher Kulturrat e.V.